Welcome to DoBuS!
DoBuS in the zhb
Within the Center for Higher Education (zhb), a central scientific institution of the Technical University of Dortmund, DoBuS is the division “Disability and Studies”, performing both service and research tasks in higher education.
Dortmund Work Approach
DoBuS seeks to create equal opportunities for students with disabilities and chronic diseases. According to the article 24 paragraph 5 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, students with disabilities are human rights holders and are by that entitled to equally participate in higher education.Therefore, every student, regardless of the type and severity of the disability, has the right to study the desired subject at the preferred university. To comply with this demand, at the TU Dortmund University the work of DoBuS is guided by an understanding that is consistently user-oriented and focuses on the needs of the individual and, at the same time, assumes that disability is by no means an inherent characteristic of a person.Instead it describes a condition in which health conditions, environmental factors and personal factors affect the participation in university education. Hence, DoBuS has developed the Dortmund Work Approach.
Working Areas
The work of DoBuS is subdivided into the following work areas: counseling, accessible media, and research. In each of these, support services are offered or developed for the different target groups of prospective students, students, and employees.